ABOUT the Trust
The Kaye Charitable Trust was founded in 2021 by Professor William Kaye in memory of his daughter, Alison Kaye (1960-2019), who devoted a large part of her life working to help young disabled adults in order to help them reach their potential as equal citizens.
The Charity seeks to continue Alison’s work by continuing to support such young adults – our stated objectives are:
“For the public benefit, to relieve the needs of young adults aged 19 to 35 in England and Wales who are living with mental, physical or learning disabilities, and by extension their families and carers, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of grants to assist and support in their treatment, care, education, accommodation and recreation.”
WHO we support
The Charity supports
Young adults (aged 19 – 35)
Who live in England and Wales
Who are living with physical, mental or learning disabilities
Some of whom may have additional or complex health needs
HOW we support
The Charity seeks to advance the health and wellbeing of such young adults, usually by making small grants to meet the costs in full or in part of: practical assistance, specialist advice, items of equipment, therapeutic aids, medical or nursing care, treatments, therapy, training, education, access, accommodation, services, comforts and the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure activities.